
Other Samskaras include the following:

Gifting the Womb (Garbhadhana)

Garbhadhana is the act of conception. This is the first sacrament which followed immediately on every martimonial union. There are a number of rites performed before conception. The act of first sexual intercourse or insemination is known as Nishekam.

  Engendering a Male Issue (Pumsavana)
Pumsavana is a ritual conducted in the third month of pregnancy. If it is the first pregnancy, it can be in the forth month also. The pregnant woman consumes one bead of barley and two beads of black grain, along with a little curd. This is accompanied by religious chanting.

Natal Rites (Jatakarman)
Jatakarman is meant for the development of the intellect of the child. When a male child is born, the ritual connected with birth is performed immediately. A small portion of a mixture of gold, ghee and honey is given to the new born infant. This rite symbolises good fortune.

       First Outing (Nishkramana)

Nishkramana is taking the child for the first time outside the house. The child is usually taken out into the open only in the fourth month after birth.

     Ear-Piercing (Karnavedha)

Karnavedha (ear-piercing) is piercing the ears. This is done with a particular thorn. Butter is applied to the wound. It is applicable to both male and female children. 

Learning of the Vedas (Praishartha)
Praishartha is the learning of Vedas and Upanishads. In the beginning of each academic period there is a ceremony called Upakarma and at the end of each academic period there is another ceremony called Upasarjanam.

         Getting Rid of Hairs (Keshanta and Ritusuddhi)

Keshanta is the first shave. It is ceremoniously performed for a boy at his age of 16. Ritusuddhi is a ceremony associated with a girl's first menstruation.

Graduation (Samavartana)

Samavartana is the ceremony associated with the end of formal education of Vedas. This ceremony marks the end of student-hood. This also marks the end of Brahmacharyaasrama--an educational period of 14–20 years which starts before the age of puberty.